Overcome Fear & Succeed!


Overcoming your fears can be hard. 

 It's something that plagues us all from time to time, but what about when you're trying to go for your goals and dreams?  

What if you are just trying to figure out who you really are?, What happens then?

How can you become who you really want to be if you are too scared to give your life all that you’ve got, hmm?  

When it comes to your life, fear is most certainly not welcome...  

You could be the most optimistic and positive person, but when it comes to being fearful of becoming who you'd really like to be, you can't help but talk yourself out of your big goals and instead feel comfortable "staying in your lane" of the same old same because you know that it won't be embarrassing or scary to stay there.

 In fact, you’ve become pretty comfortable living with the same old same as your norm..

You see, when you are comfortable with that kind of thinking, you're not even wanting to take the risk of falling or having fear of doing something that’s not so normal!  

In fact, when that line of thinking is second nature to you, you're not even concerned about stepping out of your comfort zone because it doesn’t even cross your mind!

Failing a whole lot and feeling insecure at times because no one else but you will believe in your goals doesn’t even cross your mind because your line of thinking is the furthest thing from that!

So, it's time to make a change and stop giving in.  

Instead of being comfortable with the same old same, turn on that light switch in your head that makes going for your goals and dreams comfortable!  

And if you don’t know where to start, getting started happens every time when you stop giving into the unknown and fear of doing something that you’ve never done before.

Just stop caring about if you are going to fail! 

Because the truth is, everyone fails before they succeed.

Failure is a natural thing that happens in order for you to grow, overcome your difficulties, and achieve the greatness that you are looking for!  

So Don't Let Fear Win. OVERCOME & SUCCEED Because YOU CAN DO IT!

Believe in yourself and make things happen!

Remember, only you can control the way that you think and live your life.  

So then what's the point of letting fear of embarrassment, failure, etc. beat you up inside and dictate how your life ends up becoming? 

Instead, kick fear’s butt!

Today, and every day from now on, is your day. So now goal get your dreams and make them happen! 💪💯😎 

I hope that this article found you well and was very helpful! 

Until next time, and with much love, 

Stay true to who you really are because YOU CAN DO IT!  

XOXO, JulieRannaSaurus! <3 


Become Extraordinary!


Dreams Don’t Work Out IF YOU Don’t Work First!