Return Policy:

Printable Products: There are no returns when purchasing a digital download. Please contact us with any questions before purchasing. If you have any issues downloading your files after purchasing, contact us, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you! 😊

Physical Products: There are no returns when purchasing a print-on-demand product. Please contact us with any questions before purchasing.

All of our physical products of mugs, tees, hoodies, etc. are print-on-demand products. This means that they’re made specifically for you when you make a purchase. :)

With this being the case, we highly suggest and recommend that you view the measurements and product details on each product page before you purchase.

If for some reason the print for your product was misprinted, then we will contact the printer we use and get you the proper replacement product with the correct print quality at no cost to you.

*You have 14 days from the day you receive your product in the mail to contact us letting us know about your damaged or misprinted product!*


All of our books, journals, Simple Doodle Planners, etc., are fulfilled through a third-party service through Amazon.

With such being the case, we have no control over each printing fulfilled by them.

If your book is printed incorrectly in comparison to the pictures you are shown on the products page in the lower section of the page, then please contact Amazon’s customer support requesting a new copy instead of immediately requesting a refund.

Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, please be sure to contact us at: first before leaving bad reviews and requesting a refund. We will do our best to help and or guide you towards a suitable solution to your problem! Thanks! :)