Easy & Quick Loaded Fried Rice From Leftovers! 

Fried rice is soo much more delicious when you make it yourself, full of all of the ingredients that you love, not to mention at the same time, using all ingredients that you already have in your fridge that need to be used anyways! Currently, I am chowing down on a big bowl of vegan sausage and vegetable fried rice that is just so delicious, I had to share how to make it with you! :,) 

Alright, so first things first. If you are like me and love eating fresh white rice while it’s hot and make too much of it at a time, then you should have some leftover rice in the fridge ;.) 

Now that you already have your main component of rice, just waiting for ya, perfectly cooled in the fridge, now its time to see what else you’ve got in there :) 

For me, I’ve always got at least a few different kinds of vegetables in the fridge. So for this bowl of fried rice, I decided to chop up small pieces of snow peas, carrots, red bell peppers, purple cabbage, and some green onions! I also just so happened to have made store-bought vegan Italian sausages last night and had plenty for leftovers because their protein content makes them so filling, we couldn’t finish them all!  

So simply, this is what you need to do to make your own filling, custom fried rice!: 

  • Heat a large non-stick pan over medium heat. Add in around 2 tsp- 1 TBSP of (olive) oil (or more, depending on how much rice you are making!)

  • Once the oil is hot enough, add in your cold refrigerator rice. Immediately stir together with a spatula to make sure all of the rice gets coated with oil.

  • Then add in your desired spices. Personally, I just added in a few sprinkles of: garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, and a tiny bit of Cajun seasoning, lemon pepper, and chipotle roasted garlic seasoning. Stir and let rice cook for about 1-2 minutes. Then add in a small amount of Bragg’s liquid aminos (or just soy sauce) to your taste. Stir well and let cook 1-2 minutes.

  • Remove your rice from the pan and set aside. Now, add in your raw small chopped up vegetables first, let cook for a minute, and then mix in your already cooked leftover vegan “meat,” chopped in small pieces. Cover and let cook about 3-5 minutes, stirring halfway through.

  • Add in your cooked rice, stir well to combine and reheat all together for another 1-2 minutes. Turn off the heat and add in some sliced fresh chives or green onions! Serve hot! :)

And that’s all that you have to do, it’s really that easy! In about 10 minutes or less, you have yourself some really tasty and filling vegan fried rice, with not only a nice variety of vegetables but also a good serving of vegan protein! Not to mention, you are using leftovers too, so double points for you for not only being crafty, but also finding ways to not be wasteful in your kitchen! :) 

And of course, just adjust the spices, vegetables, and protein to your taste and liking! If you are unsure of how much to use of something, then just start off with a little bit and taste test! Add more spices, etc. if you want/need to! 

If you’re someone who likes to buy nice produce and vegetables but never seems to eat them before they go bad, and therefore, inevitably you have to throw them in the trash, then this is perfect for you! Consider making some sort of fried rice and or stir fry every week! This will not only help you become better at actually eating vegetables on a more frequent basis, but also start to help you develop newer and better habits of not wasting the produce that you buy and spend your hard-earned money on!! :,) 

It’s that easy! Happy Better Eating! :) 

With love, 

JulieRannaSaurus! <3 


Chocolate Buttercream Frosting


High Protein Vegan Black Bean Chickpea Pasta!⁠