3 Ultimate Ways To Overcome Fear & Become Who You Really Want To Be!

Let’s put this into perspective. Imagine you’re 80 years old and full of regret for not being the you that you really wanted to be in your life.. 

That badass version of you with all of the glorious goals that you wanted to accomplish never happened because you were too fearful to even give them a fair try of becoming real for you

And now that you are old and running out of options, what much else can you do? 

The sad truth is, is that when you are nearing the end of your life, then there isn’t really much that you can do to turn your life around and re-live the last 50 or 60 years how you wish that you could have, in the ways that you now know you should have!  


But lucky for you, you aren’t about to die!  

Whether you are in your 20’s, 30’s, or even in your 50’s or 60’s, you still have decades of life left to live, if not even another lifetime (depending on how old and healthy you are) to build a life that you’d truly be proud of! 

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No matter what stage of your life you are at, there is no better time than right now to turn your life around and start crushing it! 

“Crush all of your goals; turn your dreams into goals and actually get them; live a happier, more fulfilled life!” 

So, let’s start today by simply crushing all of your fears away and start becoming that badass version of yourself that you know you truly are! 

First off, what is fear really? 

I’ve heard this acronym once before and it really stuck with me. Maybe you’ve heard it too, but I can really relate to it: False Evidence Appearing Real

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Fear is a killer. It kills your dreams and intentions for following through with all of those wonderful things that you’d like to have your life filled with! 

However, once you figure out how to conquer your fears (fear of judgment, failure, etc.) then you are finally able to live your life in the ways that you actually want! 

Unless if you are actually in physical danger of your life, then most likely the fear that you have is only in your mind!  

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So, with that being said, I want you to always *remember this one very important thing* as you are living your day to day life: 

**You are probably the only person that thinks you are going to fail at something before you actually do it!** 

Yep, that’s right. 

 All of this built-up anxiety and fear of judgment and failure is all in your mind. It’s this giant pile of pent-up feelings that just keeps on compounding on top of one another because instead of crushing the fear at its root cause, you’ve allowed it to stew and fester and become a normal daily part of your life! 

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*Fear is simply an emotion, so therefore it is not a physical thing. And since fear is not real, that means that the fear you feel is just an illusion created in your mind*

However, this is your life, and so that means that you create the story of how you want your life to be!  

You can either choose to accept your fears and allow yourself to live a lesser life than you deserve, or you can face your fears head-on, destroy them as you start to notice your fears, and in the process, live out your life as one that is really the better version of who you really are! 

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So, Now It’s Time To Overcome Your Fears So That You Can Stay True To You!   

1. Push yourself further 

Always keep on pushing your limits, expanding your mind and your abilities. Growing more strengths in your life not only boosts your confidence, but it also makes you a badass! 

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Push yourself even just a tiny bit further every day with everything that you do, even if it's just one more push-up or one more rep, or one more glass of water.

In just a matter of time, all of these extra good things that you do for yourself and for your life will be so obvious to you with all of the benefits you will be receiving, that you will eventually hit a point in your life where you are too motivated and focused on your goals to care about fear of failing or what anyone else thinks about you! 

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The most important thing for you to focus on is what you truly want in your life and what kind of you you’d really like to be! After you decide all of that, then applying new daily habits will start to become a concrete foundation for a very strong-willed and badass version of who you really are! 

Because after all, who has time to worry about fear when you're too busy crushing your goals?  

2. Steps To Overcome Fear Of Judgement:  

>>Accept It 

  • Everybody judges everyone else, even if just a little bit. So, don’t worry about how other people think about you. That’s just something that you have no control over, even if you really try to go out of your way and please other people rather than live your life how you want to! (Which I totally do not recommend trying to live your life how you think other people would prefer the most! In the end, it never works out, for you OR the other person!

  • Accepting that you have fear is the most important part! Once you realize and identify your downfalls, then it becomes really easy to make progress for erasing fear of judgment from your life!  


>>Identify It 

  • Identifying why you are fearful is important! Once you do that, then you can easily, and rationally, break down the reasons why and then tackle them one by one until your fear no longer exists!

    Chances are that your reasons for being fearful are so small and in a petty line of thinking, that once you single them out and see them for what they really are (useless), then you will be able to overcome your fear of other people’s judgment for you pretty quickly! 

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>>Face It Head On 

  • Once you realize that you have fear of what other people think of you, face it right then and there! The longer that you let your irrational fears stew and fester in your mind, the harder and more complex your reasoning will become for keeping those fears true for you! 

  • The fact of the matter is, most of the time when you face what you’ve been fearing, you automatically not only feel a sense of relief, but you also realize that you could have done it a lot sooner because, in all reality, it’s not that big of a problem to handle.

    In fact, it’s actually pretty small of a problem only made in your mind because you chose to let fear take over your brain! 

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>>Practice The Opposite (of what you fear)  

When you finally decide to just say “F it” to your fears, stop running away from them and instead just face your fears head-on, then your life becomes substantially easier! 

How do you face your fears head-on? 

>You just simply do the opposite of the thing that you fear! 

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Meaning, if you are afraid to sing in front of a crowd because you don’t want to become embarrassed or have people not like your voice, then you’ve got to just get on stage at open mic night and try!  

If you want to become a professional pastry chef online but you are too afraid of putting your face on camera because you’re afraid of messing up and looking like a loser, then start overcoming your fear immediately by making videos that only show your hands doing what to do and voice over your videos with the steps, or even just put music in the background with text of the directions if you're too afraid to talk! 

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The point is, by starting to do those things that you fear, meaning the opposite of what you fear, then tackling the roadblocks in your way becomes extremely easy to overcome in the future! 

*The quicker you decide to persevere and face your fears, the quicker you become really good at that thing you were once fearful of! *  

3. Practice Daily Exercises For Overcoming Your Fears

Practice habits every day that helps to boost your confidence and crush your fears at the same time! It could be anything from doing the things that you fear to prove to yourself that you can take on new challenges and succeed, or even just doing an extra rep every time you work out!


There are tons of exercises you can do to boost your confidence and overcome your fears, however, if you need a little bit of help, then check out the next post (this article here ) specifically made for exercises to overcome your fears!


 Final Thoughts & To Recap: 

I know that this was kind of a long post, however, this is why I called it “3 Ultimate Ways To Overcome Fear And Become Who You Really Are!” 😀 

Fear is a big killer of your dreams and your efforts of good intentions for making your life happen in the ways that you want it to! 

Just like all of the content that we put out for your learning and progress of becoming a better you, we wanted to make sure that you got a full crash course on how to completely eliminate fear from your life so that you can get on to the fun parts, i.e., doing what you really want to be doing in life!! 

Because hey, that’s what it’s all about right?, Having and living the life that you really want without just talking about it, and without wasting any more of your precious time! 

  1. So the next time that you feel threatened by fear, look that fear in the face and decide if it’s serving you or not! 

  2. If not (which it most likely will not be), then tackle it right then and there! 

  3. Break your fear down into small reasonable steps that you can chew at a time and keep on building yourself up to that badass version of you that you know you really are! 

  4. The fact of the matter is that you are the only one who is standing in your way of greatness!  

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So, don’t let a little old thing like fear be the reason why you wake up 50 years from now filled with regret because you chose to let fear run your life instead of taking the continuous small actions towards making your life how you really want it to be! 

Alright, there ya have it! This has been 3 ultimate ways to overcome fear and become who you really want to be!


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How about more knowledge and tools for your toolbox? 🧰

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I hope so. That was the intent of this article! We are always trying our best over here to help you become better than yesterday and achieve your large, overly ambitious sounding goals!

Please let us know over on our FaceBook page and or Instagram. 💯💖😉

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But until next time, and as always,

Be who the heck you are-Be who you rawr;

Don’t just talk about how you want your life to be!

Instead, start becoming it. 🙌🏻🤗

You can do this thing! With much love,

XOXO, -JulieRannaSaurus 💖💖

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6 Daily Exercises For Overcoming Fear Of Being Who You Really Want To Be


3 Fears That Are Stopping You From Getting Your Goals & How To Recognize Them!