6 Daily Exercises For Overcoming Fear Of Being Who You Really Want To Be

Daily Exercises For Overcoming Your Fears Of Failure, Judgement, etc.: 

If there is one thing that I know I’ve allowed to get in the way of my goals, it has always been my fear of being judged by other people for even trying to go for my goals.

I now realize that it’s so stupid that I’ve allowed this to go on for so long because I didn’t want to look like a fool for failing or being judged, but you know what?

I’ve now come to the realization that I would much rather look like I fail sometimes and still keep on moving forward, getting better and closer to my goals, rather than feeling insecure and never getting my goals at all!

So if this sounds anything like you too, then this post of daily exercises was made just for you!

Follow these simple steps every day, preferably in the morning, to give you that extra bit of confidence boost in yourself and drive to get your goals that day and every day!

If you need a little boost to get you going, no worries, I’ve got you 😉

1.  Recite real mantras and affirmations that build up your self-confidence.  

With more confidence and awareness that you are a badass, the less likely it is you let fear creep into your life and tell YOU that you can’t do something! 

However, when I say real mantras and affirmations, I mean statements to yourself that you want to become true, not some “wishy-washy” never going to happen statements! 

Only tell yourself real things that you intend to really give all that you’ve got until you get them!  

  • The more that you tell yourself the story of your life that you’d like to happen, the more you believe it. The more you believe it, the harder and more confidently you work to make them all happen to become actually real in your life! 

2. Practice Gratitude 

When you practice gratitude, you quickly start to understand what it is that you are thankful for in your life.

Once you do that, then you begin to realize what you really want in your life and therefore what no longer benefits to be in your life as well! (Also known as, your fears!)  

  • The more that you practice being grateful for what you currently have and what you are working towards achieving, the easier it becomes to get over your shh*, your fears of failing and judgment, and actually just give your life all that you’ve got because you have so much going for you already (that you realize by practicing gratitude every day) that you simply cannot pass on the opportunity you have been given to get and achieve your goals!

3. Ditch the TV and instead read books that make you motivated and fire you up inside to take positive action in your life!  

When you are bored in life and want to escape from all that’s wrong that stresses you out, instead of “just chilling” and turning into a couch potato to unwind, pick yourself up by inspiring yourself and fueling your life with positive motivation, intentions, and excitement that get you really fired up inside to take actions that turn your life around! 

  • By rewiring your brain to enjoy new challenges and learning instead of being “comfortable” just dealing with the life that you hate, you are then able to create new skills, talents, and excitements in your life that will surely never let you stay bored in life, and therefore you will just naturally start loving the process and the life that you live!  

  • Yes, this process takes time, however, it takes a lot less time than spending the rest of your life living in misery because you absolutely hate how you are living, not getting your dreams, and instead just dealing with a life that you know is lesser than you!  

4. Have Well Thought Out Plans! 

By starting off your goals with crystal clear intentions and sets of plans to get you to the finish line, you are not only able to just jump right in and start taking action but all of your efforts won’t be wasted when you start off with your end goals in mind and simply fill in the blanks with the next logical small goals at a time that you need to complete in order to get you to the next small goal that ultimately leads you to your bigger goals! 

  • When you don’t have plans or blueprints of what to do next, then you will ultimately be wasting your time going around in circles getting nowhere!

  • Just take a little bit of time at the beginning of your goals to research the steps that you need to do, and then simply follow through with them in the order that they need to be completed! 

  • To help you realize what your plans should be, consider journaling your intentions and organizing your weeks with a day planner and journal!

5. Every Day, Do Something That You Are Fearful Of! 

Making bold decisions to conquer your fears head-on is the quickest and most effective way to destroy fear in your life! 

  • The more that you practice things that you would normally avoid because “it seems too scary,” the quicker and more effectively you live out the rest of your life with confidence and sureness in yourself because you are no longer fearful of doing these little things that you currently have built up in your mind to be fearful for some reason! 

  • If you need more help on overcoming fear, then check out this article here!

6. Confront Your Fears ASAP! 

Tackle your fears head-on right away when they start to occur, or else you’ll be holding on to them for longer than you need to or thought that they would last!

Or at worst, you never get rid of your fears, and therefore you wind up carrying them around for the rest of your life!

Break down your fears for what they really are! Take a step back from being scared and logically dissect your fears, backward from the last reasoning of why you are scared of them, and keep on asking yourself questions of why this fear is even fearful in the first place!

For example, you are afraid of singing on stage, but you want to be a professional singer.

Well, if you never overcome your fears, you will most likely never become a professional singer at the caliber that you dream you could be!

So starting backward at your fear, ask yourself, “why am I scared to sing on stage in front of people?”

Your answer most likely is that you are fearful of becoming embarrassed or looking like a failure to other people if you mess up.

Then from there, ask yourself, “Do I really want to become a professional singer?” If the answer is yes, then the next logical thing to ask yourself is, “How can I overcome my stage fright?”

If you are truly a badass singer with stage fright, but you so badly want to achieve your goals, you will do your darnedest to try all of the exercises you can find on the internet until something works out for you.

But keep this in mind before you do anything:

You want to see your goals achieved so badly! So really, just facing your fear head-on by getting on stage as much as you can, not doing your absolute best but still owning it, and keep showing up and practicing consistently will help you become really good on stage, especially if you practice in private every day with the mentality that you are on stage in front of people!

Better yet, make it more real and a challenge by making your own stage by posting singing videos on social media through your phone!

The more you do it, the less scared you will be, and therefore the quicker you will overcome your fears and just start living your life as that badass you that you see yourself truly being!

If you don’t confront your fears and break them down into what they really are, then you allow fear to run your life instead of you running your own life how you want it to be!

So really, the best thing for overcoming your fears is just to do the opposite of what you have been doing (what you are fearful of) and go for your goals! Forget about failing and thinking “but what if I fail,” and instead focus solely on winning by thinking things like “but what if I win,” and starting statements with “when I win..” instead!

And there you have it, folks!

6 daily exercises to help you overcome your fears that can easily be practiced every day until they become second nature on their own!

And don’t worry about “if” they do, because as long as you practice them every day in their entirety, you will instead start developing habits that suit you best, and then without you even realizing it, your fears start to disappear!

So, keep practicing new habits and focus solely on achieving your goals instead of giving your fears any time of day!

Before you know it, you will have become a better version of yourself than you were yesterday, and you’ll leave your fears in the far distant past!

Was this helpful for you?

Do you feel more of a drive and passion burning inside of you after reading this? 🔥

Maybe got a little bit of inspiration or motivation to help drive you towards achieving your own goals?

How about more knowledge and tools for your toolbox? 🧰

I hope so. That was the intent of this article! We are always trying our best over here to help you become better than yesterday and achieve your large, overly ambitious sounding goals!

Please let us know over on our FaceBook page and or Instagram. 💯💖😉

If you aren’t already, go ahead and become a part of our Facebook community and our email list for helpful weekly content for guiding you on your path of being who you rawr! 🦖🦖🦖

But until next time, and as always,

Be who the heck you are-Be who you rawr;

Don’t just talk about how you want your life to be!

Instead, start becoming it. 🙌🏻🤗

Until next time, and with much love, 

Stay true to who you really are because YOU CAN DO IT


-JulieRannaSaurus 💖💖




3 Ultimate Ways To Overcome Fear & Become Who You Really Want To Be!