dream until your dreams come true instagram Post.png


When you hear that word, it sounds like something so far away and unobtainable, right?  

However, to me, dreams are simply the things that you want the most in life! đŸ˜‰  


  It all starts as a dream. Then to get those dreams, you just have to break past those seemingly large and unreachable goals down into small obtainable goals that you can get one little step at a time, until eventually before you know it, you obtain all of your goals. Therefore your dreams indeed do come true!  

It sounds easy to do when you break it down that way. However, many people have a habit of giving up on their goals and dreams way too soon before any real progress can be seen! They put in a little bit of effort, and because they are starting at the bottom with completely nothing but their ideas, getting their goals isn’t as easy as just doing the same old same old; Going to your same tedious job, doing the same things, except knowing what to do because you are told precisely what you need to do in order to receive your paychecks! 


Going for your dreams is the same concept as doing anything else that, at one time, you had no clue how to accomplish the tasks needed to get to where you want to be! However, through time, effort, patience, and consistent learning, you can do anything that you put your mind to! 

So enough giving up on yourself and this wonderful opportunity of life that you have to go for your dreams! 

Inspire yourself! Give yourself that kick in the butt that you need and remind yourself of who you really are and what you truly want in this life! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING THAT YOU SET YOUR MIND TO.

So, here are five reasons not to give up on your dreams!!! 😊  



1. Making promises to yourself that you keep and follow through with proves that you can do anything that you'd like with your life! 

When you have the mentality that you can do be and have anything that you put your mind to, and actually believe and mean it, then nothing can stop you from achieving better and greater things in your life, no matter what aspect of it!  

You can’t give up on your goals because your promises to yourself are essential, and the more you make them or break them, the more you become in a repetitious habit cycle of doing so, whether that be for you or against you.

It’s not just about getting your dreams. Morally and more importantly, it’s keeping your word and not going against yourself more times than not!  


 2. You only have one life, so you’ve got to make it how you want it to be!  

When you are old and close to death, knowing that you didn’t live your life how you truly wanted it to be, but instead just doing your “best” to get by, you will feel immense regret not giving your dreams your all. 

You owe yourself, at the very least, to try your best and give your life and your dreams all that you’ve got!!!  


Would you rather spend 70 years of your life in a cycle of doing things that you don’t enjoy doing, but you only do them to get the bills paid? 

 Instead, wouldn’t you rather take your time and energy geared toward learning and growing into what you need to do to become a better you, in whatever ways that is for yourself? You owe it to yourself to make it so you can live your life how you absolutely want it to be! 

3. You are a role model for your kids and future generations! 


Now, whether or not you think the way kids, in general, are growing up nowadays is terrible, or if you have kids of your own and just want the best opportunities for them, you have a chance to change the world for the better. You can do this by showing people and future generations how to be a better version of them in some way, rather than just going with the same old same old and not learning or growing or benefiting positively in some way.  

Life is awesome. It's not meant to be wasted on acquiring dumb and superficial things to appease how others think of you. It's your job to go for your dreams and show others, no matter how old or young, that they can do it too! 

People tend to get stuck in the “that’s just the way it is” rut of life and therefore just give up and not care what comes their way or for the rest of the world. Wouldn’t you want to help inspire or motivate younger generations to become beautiful human beings who care about what goes on in this world or their community to make it better and not worse? 

4. It’s easier than you think! 


When you think of the word dreams, you think the word unobtainable, right? 

With that kind of mindset, it’s very easy to give up when things become unknown and unfamiliar. However, once you start to break it all down into small little bites of action, getting your dreams becomes more comfortable than you think! 

Hey, you have the power of the internet and YouTube at your fingertips! You can learn how to do anything that you set your mind to; you just have to ask the right questions to find the correct answers that you are looking for! 



Yes, it is lovely knowing that when you set your mind to something, you can get it. However, isn’t it even more wonderful knowing that by you reaching your goals and dreams, you are making it financially possible for you actually to live your life how you want it to be?!? 

Let’s face it; most people don’t spend as much time with their kids as they’d like because they are too busy working! When they are done with work, it’s then time to make dinner, do homework with the kids, or bring them to soccer practice or whatever activities their kids do after school! 

Wouldn’t it be nice to spend your time in your life how you want it to be, with whom you want it to be with, whenever you choose to? If you want to go on a last-minute vacation for a week spontaneously, you can! You want to homeschool your kids and travel the world while you run an online business, you can! Whatever you want to do with your time, wouldn’t it be awesome to have the ability to legitimately do what you want when you want to, without money or time restrictions? 

And there you have it! Five Reasons Of Why To Not Give Up On Your Dreams!!! 😊  


I genuinely believe that you can do be and have just about anything you put your mind to, so stop just talking about what you want in life and START TAKING THE SMALL STEPS OF ACTION FOR YOU ACTUALLY TO GET YOUR DREAMS!! 

 Remember, you can be your biggest motivator or your greatest downfall. You get to choose, and no one else can for you! So, Be Who You Rawr And Shoot For The Stars because you can do whatever it is that you desire! 

So friend, keep on believing in yourself and getting closer to those big goals of yours. YOU CAN DO IT!

XOXO, JulieRannaSaurus <3

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4 Ultimate Ways For Finding Out What You Really Want In Life!


4 Steps For ACTUALLY Getting Your Goals