4 Steps For ACTUALLY Getting Your Goals

We all have big goals that we want to achieve. However, unfortunately, it's just the truth that not all of us will get them.

In fact, most people with goals and intentions to have a much better life than they do right now will fail to achieve them because, after a short while, they will realize that getting your goals is a lot harder than they might have thought initially before getting started!

Taking a lot more time than they anticipated, putting in a ton more effort than they initially thought was needed, and getting so confused along the way when trying to figure out what to do next! 

Hence, the burning out of getting your goals ensues!

So, as a colossal goal-getter and maker of a thousand seeming goals over the years, here are some must-follow tips and words of advice for actually achieving those big goals that you have, WITHOUT giving up on yourself, and doing so promptly!

However, before we get started, I want to make something very crystal clear.

Getting big seeming goals takes a lot of commitment, dedication, and a ton of learning along the way!

So, if you are someone that thinks you can achieve something so great for your life without putting in these essential ingredients for success, then please do yourself a favor and really contemplate your goals and intentions in explicit detail before ever getting started!

You know, do a little bit of research and understanding of what you are getting into before you make the commitment.

The last thing that I want for people to think is that because you failed to get one goal in your life, that you can't achieve more extraordinary things in your life down the road!

I’m sorry to tell you this, but not everyone is made for achieving their wildest-sounding dreams. In fact, that's reserved only for a small percentage of people who don't and won't give up on themselves when things get tough.

My intent here with this article, and the blogs and courses that I make through this website, is to help people get their dream goals by not giving up on themselves and instead, finding the right ways to make getting your goals more manageable and efficient.

If this sounds like you, please subscribe to the email list to keep yourself up to date with more articles like this one and receive a heads-up on useful courses, books, etc., that come along.

However, as for right now, let's jump right into it!

1. Break them down

When you have big goals, you need to break them down into smaller goals that are manageable to achieve on a daily and weekly basis.

When you do this, you can see yourself taking chunks out of getting those big goals!

Then, when you can actually see your progress along the way, through all of the hard work you put in, it becomes much easier to stay motivated and push through all of the struggles and learning you need to figure out along the way of what you have to do next!

If you need help breaking down your bigger goals into smaller ones that you can actually achieve, all while building up to those big goals, then check out this article here.

2. Have realistic timeframes 

Okay, okay. When I say to be realistic, I mean this: 

Don't go thinking that you'll be achieving some ridiculously long haul goal full of effort, time, and dedication in a short amount of time!

Getting big goals takes a lot of learning and knowledge to build up skills in order to get them!

So my point is if you have a goal to be a Billboard top 10 artist and be on the radio, but you can't even sing well, let alone write songs or produce instrumentals for your would-be songs, then don't go thinking that being on the top 10 list is going to happen in the next 6 months!

In this scenario, well, first off, you will have to put in the time and effort to become really good at singing.

Then from there, figure out how to write songs. Then how to get beats made professionally on your budget. Then how to get your music recorded. Then, maybe you'll have to find a manager to help you get on the radio and things about marketing and advertisement for your songs.

Get the point?

Instead, give yourself a decent amount of time to get at least good at the steps you'll be needing to do to get your goals!

The last thing you'd want is to accidentally get the success you are looking for but not realize how you got it.

So, literally, all that you have been working for could go out the window in a short amount of time if you don't know how to properly maintain that level of success that you achieve!

3. Don't spread yourself too thin

Trust me on this one; you definitely do not want to do too much at once!

Over the years of trying to find the right ways to get my goals, I have spread myself way too thin plenty of times!

This leads to goal burn out, and it sucks!

You feel bad about yourself. You start to believe that maybe you should give up on your goals because you just can't do it, that you aren't good at it, and that maybe other people were right about you, that you can't become who it is that you really want to become!

4. Be consistent

Being very consistent is a critical key to getting your goals, so don't skimp out on this one!

Without consistency, you won't see the progress you are looking for in a mannerly timeline. That's just the truth, plain and simple.

So this is what you need to do:

  1. Make a plan and stick to it.

  2. Find the routines that work best for you.

  3. Schedule time for your goals and follow through with them.

  4. Don't overload yourself with too many goals in one day.

And there you have it, folks!

Four easy to follow, easy to stick with steps towards actually achieving your goals!

These are the steps that have been working for me and that has been keeping me sane in my very busy life of a mom and a ‘Goal Getting Gangster’ at the same time with a ton of goals that always need my attention so that I can achieve them all!

I hope that at the very least, this article was insightful.

Moreover, I hope that this information has either inspired you to keep on your ‘Daily Coffee Hustle’ grind of getting your goals or has even given you the motivation and confidence to start going for your big goals by following these easy how-to steps!😘💪

New helpful posts and videos are coming your way every single week!

So until next time,

Be who you are. Be who you rawr. Don’t just talk about it!

XOXO, JulieRannaSaurus <3

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Become Extraordinary!