003 Daily Coffee Hustle-Stop listening to outside opinions over your own!

Dear Daily Coffee Hustlers, 

Is listening to everyone else's opinions about you and your goals pulling you down? If so, instead of caring what everyone else thinks about you, work to prove yourself right and others wrong by consistently forging yourself closer to those big goals of yours!

This may sound silly to some, but sometimes it can be super easy to let the opinions and beliefs OF OTHERS take dominance of your life decisions! ⁠ 

However, when you stop giving in to what everyone else wants for you and instead focus on what you want for your life when people give you their two cents on something that you are pursuing, it becomes easy to take their opinion for what it really is. Just words. And then carry on with your day. 😉

Welcome to the daily coffee hustle, the part of bewhoyourawr.com where we like to remind you to be who the heck you are without just talking about it and keep you focused on staying on that daily coffee grind of achieving your big goals! 

So look, work towards proving yourself right, for no one else but yourself. 

⁠Yes, it's nice to prove people wrong. Still, ultimately, you are going for your goals for yourself, regardless of anyone else's opinions on what you should be doing. 

And when you start listening to yourself over others, then letting other people's opinions of you take control of your decisions in your life becomes stupid!

Because here's the thing.

When you start caring what other people think of you and let those opinions affect how you see yourself and how you choose to create a better life for yourself, then you ultimately take away a part of who you are.

That's how you start living a life that's lesser than what you deserve and what you truly want for yourself!

You won't realize it at the moment because it'll happen incrementally, but over time, caring what your mom or grandma, or so on, thinks about your future can quickly stack up to a mountain of not feeling like you have control of your life. The direction you're going, what YOU truly want for your future, what goals you want to pursue, what type of people you want to be surrounded by, etc.

So instead of giving in to your mom, dad, your best friend, or even the opinions of a complete stranger on the internet, remind yourself that you're doing an awesome job and that significant changes in anyone's life takes time! 🌟

You're not special in that regard! I say this in the nicest way possible. :) Everyone struggles. The difference is in how you choose to see those struggles and how you react to the contrast. 

Meaning do you look at the guaranteed bumps in your road as a negative thing, or do you choose to be more positive about them and adapt and overcome them to keep proceeding down the path of achieving your goals one day?

Just because you thought for some reason that you'd be a whole lot further now than you actually are, doesn't make you a failure! 

It simply means you have a little ways to go in improving yourself.

Take no offense to it. It's just the process of getting better at anything in life. Whether you take action to get better or weaker is up to you, though! 

Suppose you choose to listen to other people's opinions of you at the beginning of your journey when you are complete garbage, in your starting out phase of where you are just starting to practice your craft, let alone get good at it. In that case, you will ultimately be giving yourself a disservice by not allowing yourself to express the real you by simply trying to pursue your passions without judgment or any other kind of roadblocks to stop you!

When you start feeling this way, ask yourself a few questions to help you remember why you started in the first place, why you won't stop, and why continuing on until you see the gold medal in your life is so important to you.

When in doubt about what you're doing for your goals, simply ask yourself some thought-provoking questions!

Think of this method as a form of self-created motivation. 😘 

You don't need me, some guru or best-selling author, to make that motivation, strong will, and drive to achieve your goals happen. You see, you are fully capable of creating that all on your own! 😉

So as for today and as always, keep on being you, friend. Whoever that best version of yourself you envision looks like, keep going for it. Fight your negative mentality about yourself when it tries to stop you from pursuing the life you want until you win!

Continue being who the heck you are, who you rawr, and not just talk about what you truly want in and for your life!

I'm JulieRannaSaurus from BeWhoYouRawr.com, and this has been today's Daily Coffee Hustle tip of the day! 


002 Daily Coffee Hustle-One Goal At A Time!