002 Daily Coffee Hustle-One Goal At A Time!

Dear Daily Coffee Hustlers,

Be you. Set your mind to one goal at a time. Master that goal. Repeat.

When it comes to making your life how you really want it to be, you've first got to decide what kind of goals you want to focus on for your life.⁠

After that, you'll probably come to find that you have a lot of goals, and that's okay. 😘

The important part, the key, is that you focus on just one big goal at a time until you complete it!

Welcome to the Daily Coffee Hustle! The part of bewhoyourawr.com where we like to remind you to be who the heck you are, who you rawr, not just talk about it, and help you stay on that daily coffee grind of getting your big goals!

Now, as for your goals. Instead of trying to get them all at once, be intentional and serious about your plan of action and break the first most important goal you want to accomplish into small goals that you can accomplish every day.⁠

You see, it becomes much easier to achieve your big goals when you tackle them one at a time. This way, you're not confusing or overburdening yourself along the way! Because trust, goal getting can become highly complicated when you try to tackle too many things at once.

When you do that, you set yourself up for not accomplishing anything. And so it appears to everyone else that isn't you that you aren't serious about your goals and are just dabbling in hobbies, not a business in the making or anything real!

I want you to remember this next part. Even if your goals seem like they should be easy, it doesn't mean you'll achieve them that way!

I have definitely been guilty of overcomplicating my own big goals in the past, so trust me when I say all of those generic sayings that you've heard many times: Slow and steady wins the race, and don't bite off more than you can chew!

When you do too much in a short amount of time, you are most likely burdening yourself with tasks you aren't very fond of completing, so putting in the work isn't fun, and since it's a small task, there won't be much progress achieved after you've finished it. This means that for many people, if there's more work than reward, especially when you're doing this over and over again, burning yourself out, most people will give up before real progress on their goals even starts to begin!

When you tackle one goal at a time, you make achieving that goal much easier for yourself. When you make things easy, especially when it has to do with achieving something you really want in life, then you're more likely to have fun with them even though you're putting in work!

When you take on too many tasks in a short amount of time, on the other hand, you make the fun part of your life stressful, and therefore you're more likely to give up on them quickly.

So the moral of today's story is this. Everything good in life is created incrementally over time; the same goes for your goals!

The more consistent you are with pursuing and achieving one goal at a time, the better and quicker you become at achieving massive goals in your life!

So keep your goal getting journey as simple and fun feeling as possible! When you start feeling like you want to give up, ask yourself why that is followed by how you can turn that around to succeed at your goal soon instead.

One goal at a time. One step at a time. Become really good at achieving that goal, and then move on to your next.

If you have a lot of goals like me, you'll probably have to stop yourself from trying to take on too much at a time, but you'll get there if you just keep going.

However, you'll achieve your goals much quicker if you focus on one at a time rather than making a mess and huge problems and hurdles for yourself to overcome along the way!

You'll achieve those large changes in your life if you keep consistently working on improving, always moving forwards. 😉

So don't stop and give up on yourself and your goals! Instead, start becoming who the heck you really want to be without just talking about it anymore with one little step at a time!

Start being who you are, who you rawr. I'm JulieRannaSaurus from BeWhoYouRawr.com, and this has been today's Daily Coffee Hustle tip of the day!


003 Daily Coffee Hustle-Stop listening to outside opinions over your own!


001 Daily Coffee Hustle-Wake up. Coffee. Goals. More coffee!