001 Daily Coffee Hustle-Wake up. Coffee. Goals. More coffee!

Dear Daily Coffee Hustlers,  

Wake up. Coffee. Goals. More coffee!

Do you ever feel like you've got so much going on in your life that working on your dream goals requires a lot of coffee and intention to try and just make a few more moments of free time in your day? You know, so you can work on getting closer to success in those hobbies or side hustles you're passionate about? 

Hey, if so, that's okay!

Life happens. Lots of us have busy lives as it is with our families and full-time jobs, let alone anything else! The point, though, is that if you'd like to start creating a life greater than you have right now, then you've got to be consistent in making action happen for you!

Welcome to the daily coffee hustle! The part of bewhoyourawr.com where we like to remind you to be who the heck you are, who you rawr, not just talk about it, and help you stay on that daily coffee grind of achieving your big goals! 

Motivation helps when staying on that constant hustle and grind for your goals. Sometimes it feels hard to do so, sometimes easy. Regardless though, you never stop. 

The hope is that you only pursue goals in your life that would bring you joy rather than just headaches and disappointment. However, some people take on more than they can chew at a time, especially of things they may not love, and then get burnt out in the process! 

So for those who tend to overcomplicate things, we've got a few tips for you today to help you keep going strong towards your goals!

  1. Are you pursuing clear goals you love?

 Do you love the end goal you're working towards? Is your end goal crystal clear and not complicated or confusing in understanding what you should and need to focus on in your dream goal work time?

You see, when you aren't absolutely clear on what goals you're working toward, then putting in action can become muddied in deciding what you should be focusing on. So when you start feeling like you're falling off your path, ask yourself what your primary goal is and the timeframe you intend to accomplish it in!

When you consistently remind yourself of what you are focusing on and how long you have to acquire your goals, you make it super easy to focus on what you need to instead of being confused! Not knowing exactly what you're trying to pursue, let alone where you should put in effort daily to make them happen!

2. Uncomplicate the complicated.

If you keep putting in the work every day, but you don't seem to be going anywhere in your progress, then ask yourself if you're making your goal getting too complicated, and if so, how can you make it straightforward, easy to understand what you need to be focused on and be doing next? 

It's easier to figure out what you're being overcomplicated in by asking yourself if you're doing too much of the wrong things.

When you focus on only what you need to be giving your attention to rather than a bunch of minor things that don't need your time and attention at the current moment, you make it easier on yourself to tackle bigger goals that lead you to your dream goals!

Remember, those big dream goals of yours take time. So with that being the case, do your best to continually assess where you're making things complicated in your quest and how you could make your workload more manageable and straightforward to accomplish quickly!

These are just a few tips today to remind you to keep going on your journey to make your life more badass and filled with pursuits that make you genuinely happy! Yes, sure, I hope that this all was helpful and a little motivating for you to hear today, but ultimately it's up to you to keep yourself going, motivated, and driven to acquire those big dream goals of yours!

So don't stop! Don't give up on yourself and instead start becoming who the heck you really want to be without just talking about it anymore! Start being who you are, who you rawr.

I'm JulieRannaSaurus from BeWhoYouRawr.com, and this has been today's Daily Coffee Hustle tip of the day! 


002 Daily Coffee Hustle-One Goal At A Time!


Three Personal Development Tips For Getting Your Life On Track!