Three Personal Development Tips For Getting Your Life On Track!

Are you getting your life together?.. Feeling like it’s all starting to make sense and seeing a path for your life getting on track for how you’d truly like to live it?

If not, then that’s totally cool. To be honest, most people probably just wing it and go with the flow for their whole lives, never truly stopping to take a step back and rearranging their priorities towards creating a better life instead of being stuck with what they already have.

So coming from this perspective, like the point of view I’m coming from, wherever you’re at in your life (your age, your job, your financials, whatever), if you’re searching for help on taking your life into your own hands, by your own hands and making it better, then I think you’re already doing a great job! 😉

From my perspective, most people won’t even take the time to ask themselves what’s wrong in their lives, how they can make it better, and how they can start taking action.

So for those of you who are looking for insight from someone who constantly strives for her own personal improvement, I’ve got three personal development tips to help you start getting your life on track too! Ready? 😁

  1. Set Goals For Yourself!

    The more you set your mind to a goal and follow through with action, the more you'll believe in your abilities to accomplish bigger goals in your life.

    Even if the goals you set for yourself now seem small, like goals that keep your house clean or eating healthier, they are still worth creating and pursuing because they'll help you build up solid habits that'll serve you well in the future when you need a strong will to fall back on when you start dreaming up achieving bigger dream goals!

2. Budget Your Money

Write down in a journal or spreadsheet daily what you spend your money on and cut out future spending on purchases that aren't necessary or worth buying.

The more you spend with intention over time, the more you'll naturally have saved up extra money for your future with ease!

This may seem like a simple task not worth your time, but trust. If you don't realize what junk you're spending your money on, you'll find yourself constantly low on funds that aren't really motivating when you think of pursuing a better life full of things that you love.

Dream goals take not only time but also money and attention to acquire. If you don't start saving up for your future, even if you don't know what that'll be just yet, then you're setting yourself up for a life of temporary fun and relief instead of a solid future that brings you joy and adventure!

3. Evaluate What’s Holding You Back!

Every week or day, look back on how things went for you. What was good? What went badly? Why? What can you learn from your contrast? What do you feel you're lacking in, and how do you think you can improve?

The more often you evaluate your progress, the easier you make it for yourself to achieve greater goals and changes in your life!

Taking a look at your progress is the cheapest, quickest, and easiest way for you to realize what the heck you should be doing next to improve on your game. Evaluating your strengths and weaknesses is a must-do if you genuinely want to achieve a dream life full of your crafts, skills, and goals without wasting more of your time!

These may seem like small tips to get you going for getting your future on track to something you'd love it to be, but that's the point.

To create big changes in your life, you need good habits and routines to get you there. And trust, changing up your life to being completely different than it is right now is oh so challenging. The easiest way to get there is to consistently take small action steps every day. 

Yes, they may be small at the moment, but they'll add up to something significant and great in the future if you keep up with your habits. But when you're consistently incrementally upping the stakes, creating better and better systems and routines that work best for you, you'll become better every step of the way!

Everyone's got to start somewhere, so why not just here with these tips today?

You can do this thing of becoming a better you, designing and putting in the actions for a better life! You may not always know what the heck you're doing, but when you hold your why reasonings of why you'll keep going no matter what, you'll find yourself going further in your life than you could possibly imagine right now! So for today, just get started somewhere. 😉 


Here at Be Who You Rawr, we are always trying our best to help you become better than yesterday and achieve your large, overly ambitious sounding goals! 

If you aren't already, go ahead and become a part of our Facebook community and our email list for helpful weekly content for guiding you on your path to being who you rawr! 🦖🦖🦖 


Until next time and as always, Be who the heck you are-Be who you rawr;

Don't just talk about how you want your life to be!

Instead, start becoming it. 🙌🏻🤗

Stay true to who you really are because you can do this thing!

With much love,

XOXO, -JulieRannaSaurus 💖💖


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