Three Easy Steps For Becoming Who You Really Want To Be!


Aren’t you tired of letting other people and circumstances run your life?

Wouldn’t you like to be the one who’s in control of what direction you're going in and how you spend your time?

Being insecure with being who you really want to be and breaking past those insecurities.. This can be hard sometimes when you don’t feel comfortable being judged by what you think other people might think of you!

Sometimes you don’t know what the heck you are doing, but you just know that you want something more and so you just need to start going for it!

If it doesn’t always work out, hey, at least you try and give yourself and your goals a fair shot without holding yourself back.

That alone is reason enough to do your best and push past your comfort zones because it’s super important to stay true to who you are and not give up on yourself..


But how do you start being who you really want to be, who you envision yourself being if you’ve never been that version of yourself before?

Listen, too many people complicate this part, and honestly it can be pretty simple and straightforward to understand and start implementing.

So today we’re going over 3 easy steps to becoming who you really want to be. AKA, how to be who you really RAWR!

Alright, so first off, what the heck does “Be who you rawr” mean?

The short answer, to be who you really want to be without just talking about it.

Long answer, to be comfortable being who you are around other people- not having to pretend or fake to like things, people, etc. just to go along to get along.


To start making your way toward the career you really want.

To start having the lifestyle and life you truly envision yourself living in.

Living how you want without fear making decisions for you.

Living your life without fear of judgment, embarrassment, or being scared to be you, and actually just going for your goals and acting how you really want to live your life without holding yourself back anymore.


Basically, to not be ‘that person’ who talks and wishes all of the time how they’d really like their life to be “when I have this..when I win the lotto that”.. and instead be the person who takes action and responsibility in their life for making the change actually happen!

So, how do you start making those changes in your life?

3 Easy Steps For Becoming Who You Really Want To Be:

1. Brainstorm your contrast.

Basically, figure out what you don’t want to be, do and have in your life and then use that to realize all of the things that you actually want in place of them!

Pretty much, brainstorm on what things you could start incorporating in your life and what other things you’d actually love to remove from your life.

When you start becoming intentional with your decisions and what you allow in your life, creating a life you’d love becomes much easier to see a clear path of how to get there and also feel good while you’re in the process of doing it!

2. Research how to get the traits your after.


The internet is a wonderful thing and a lot of people use it for nonsense instead of knowledge!

Use the power of the internet to your advantage and look for the answer to questions and problems you're having in your life. Figure out what sounds most like you and then try it!

Have fun experimenting with how you think you’d like your life to be so that you have no regrets in your life wondering what could have been if you just did that thing you thought you wanted to do!

If you fail, and you will from time to time, hey at least you’ll know for yourself that you tried.

The point is to try and find what you’d like to stick in your life and how to make that all happen for you.

3. Apply action!

Follow systems and make routines that work best for you to stick with and apply the actions towards making who you really want to be happen!


*As a tip, make becoming who you want to be urgent in your life.

Meaning, make goals with timelines of when you start implementing this and that into your life.

Without making doing something new in your life urgent, you most likely won’t stick to keeping those new routines!

Good habits don’t just stay in your life because you did them once.

Instead, the habits you keep are made possible by consistently being repetitive in taking action for those certain traits or habits to stay in your daily routines.


If you need more help on how to make systems and routines that work best for you, then be sure to subscribe to our email list for a free downloadable pdf that is coming your way shortly along with blog posts to help show you how to start making your dream goals happen!

In the short, uncomplicated answer to what you are looking for, these three steps are basically it!

So stop overly complicating everything in your life and instead start becoming intentional with who you want to mold yourself to be.

Apply the action and keep following through and showing up every day with the routines and systems that make your dream life happen in reality for you!

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These Have Been Three Easy Steps For Becoming Who You Really Want To Be!

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How about more knowledge and tools for your toolbox? 🧰

I hope so. That was the intent of this article! We are always trying our best over here to help you become better than yesterday and achieve your large, overly ambitious sounding goals!

Please let us know over on our FaceBook page and or Instagram. 💯💖😉

If you aren’t already, go ahead and become a part of our Facebook community and our email list for helpful weekly content for guiding you on your path of being who you rawr! 🦖🦖🦖

But until next time, and as always,

Be who the heck you are-Be who you rawr;

Don’t just talk about how you want your life to be!

Instead, start becoming it. 🙌🏻🤗

You can do this thing! With much love,

XOXO, -JulieRannaSaurus 💖💖

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