3 Easy Steps To An Unstoppable Goal Getting Mindset!


As usual (nowadays at least), I’m always surprising myself with what I can accomplish and who I am becoming. 🙌🏻

I keep finding how amazed I am every day in my abilities to keep on going towards something greater; goals, purpose, that I honestly have no idea how to acquire what I’m pursuing at the beginning when I first start going for them. 😅


I don’t exactly know what the heck I’m doing. But for some reason, I just keep going anyways.

And by filling in the blanks with intention as I go, I find myself actually becoming pretty awesome in what I’m trying my darndest to succeed in!

I must say, it’s an amazing feeling 😊

Busy days.

Lots to learn before really getting started.

Tons of messing up before becoming even okay.

It’s tedious and confusing sometimes, but that doesn’t matter.


When I set my mind to a goal, knowing that there’s something I want to achieve, I always eventually seem to find my way.

So what about you?

How can you develop this kind of mindset too?

A mindset of no matter what, you’re not going to stop. Instead, you’ll figure out how to adapt and overcome your downfalls so that you keep on staying focused on your goals! It’s only a matter of time until you achieve what you first set after. 🥰


How can I help you keep your eye on your prize instead of honing in on the little hiccups that don’t seem to be going your way?

In today’s post, we’ll be talking about just that! I’m ready and excited to jump right into it, how about you?! 😁

3 Easy Steps To An Unstoppable Goal Getting Mindset!

1. Focus on your why.


This one is by far the most important tip on this list, and here’s why.

When you focus on your drive, your main reasoning for doing what you’re trying to do, nothing else matters.

All that truly matters to you is that you achieve the outcome you initially set out after. That’s it.

Whatever tries to come your way and stop you from moving forward becomes irrelevant at that point because no matter what, no matter how tedious or difficult something may seem in the moment, making your why reasoning happen for you is more important!


You won’t stop, and you won’t quit on yourself because you can’t.

It’s of supreme importance that you follow through with your goals because you’re why reasoning is too important for you to fail and give up on.

If you need more clarity on finding your ‘Why,’ then check out episode number 7, “How To Find Your Why-Finding Unstoppable Drive For Reaching Your Goals!” (this article I wrote for you here). But for the purposes of this post, let me give you a couple of examples.

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Why reasonings that drive you to achieve your goals no matter what could be not wanting to be apart from your family ever again because of the traveling for your current job.

It could be wanting to homeschool your baby as she grows up, so you need to have your online business up and running no matter what before school time starts happening.

Or it could be something like wanting to live every day to your fullest and not wasting it at a job that you hate from 9 am to 5 pm. That you want to spend as much time with your family as possible and live your life on your own terms, how you want, at any time of the day or week, no matter what!

2. Use what you’ve got.


Use what you have or know now; start from there, and then do your best to figure out how to fill in the missing pieces of action you need to do along the way.

Yeah, sure, the internet is awesome.

You can figure out how to do anything with it.

But when you’re a momma and or working a full-time job, it is sometimes difficult to find the time to squeeze in getting your goals!

However, you can become amazed at yourself when your time is limited to begin with.

When you don’t have a plethora of time to work on achieving that thing you want to get on the side of everything else, then every minute you get to work on making that happen has a better chance of working out for you because you’ll most likely appreciate the time you do have, plan things out a little beforehand, and not waste your side hustle time when you get it!

It doesn’t matter what you currently have or what you think that you lack. The truth is, you’re probably ahead of the game than a lot of other people are, so use that to your advantage and tap into that kind of mindset!

A mindset of where you know at least a few things more than the person sitting next to you, so you’ll help that person learn how to do what you already know.

Nothing more, nothing less.


Just use what you have in your arsenal at the moment and do your best with what you’ve got.

Always keep on learning and improving as you go, and you’ll always be ahead of the game!

Getting stuck on what to do next will become impossible for you because you’ll always be using what you have at the moment and be learning more about how to become better as you solve your problems along your way on your journey of becoming a goal-achieving badass!

3. Intention. Intention. Intention.

When you are super intentional and specific with your time, before you sit down and get to work, it’s not that difficult to find yourself becoming more successful than you originally intended on being!

At first, you don’t know what the heck to do. You don’t know where you need to go next to figure it out.

You just know what you want to achieve.💖

But when you don’t give up on yourself or the process the rest just seems to figure itself out someway and somehow.

When you take a little time to research what you need to do and then follow that up by throwing in some intention and specific plans of action, what you should be doing, and when you should be doing something, all of the pieces just seem to fall in the right places.

For example, right now, I’m working on a course to help you acquire a solid foundation for getting your dream goals before you dive into them full force. This way, you’ll actually achieve them and not give up on yourself in the process!

It’s taking a lot more time to complete than I originally thought. However, I’m not letting that stop me.

You see, my intention is to complete this course in the next year no matter what. My why reasoning for doing this stems from why I even started this business or site in the first place. My mission to help people get their goals and become who they really want to be is more important to me than the roadblocks that try to get in my way!

And since I have this intention and I’m honing into achieving it no matter what, instead of focusing on the hiccups at the moment that I don’t know how to overcome, I’m able to solve my problems and carry on fulfilling the intentions that got me started on this goal in the first place!

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I’m just taking it all one step at a time, and things seem to be working out very well.

I’m very pleased with the value that I’m creating for future subscribers, and that fact makes me very excited about all that I’m doing.

Somehow, it’s the right drive and push that I need to keep on going strong towards achieving my goals, all while not stressing out all the work I need to do to get there!

Because trust, there’s a lot of work to do. 🤣

So even though I’m sure that I still have a lot to learn, I want to help guide people like you and me towards achieving our goals even though at first, it may seem impossible or at least very challenging and possibly overwhelming!

My intention to succeed at this goal is too strong, and so I’m not letting anything get in my way of achieving it! Period. End of story! 💯😎


So, these are my top three steps for establishing an unstoppable goal-getting mindset to drive you to achieve any goal you set your mind to.

Was this helpful for you?

Do you feel more of a drive and passion burning inside of you after reading this? 🔥

Maybe got a little bit of inspiration or motivation to help drive you towards achieving your own goals?

How about more knowledge and tools for your toolbox? 🧰

I hope so. That was the intent of this article! We are always trying our best over here to help you become better than yesterday and achieve your large, overly ambitious sounding goals!

Please let us know over on our FaceBook page and or Instagram. 💯💖😉

If you aren’t already, go ahead and become a part of our Facebook community and our email list for helpful weekly content for guiding you on your path of being who you rawr! 🦖🦖🦖

But until next time, and as always,

Be who the heck you are-Be who you rawr;

Don’t just talk about how you want your life to be!

Instead, start becoming it. 🙌🏻🤗

You can do this thing! With much love,

XOXO, -JulieRannaSaurus 💖💖

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Three Easy Steps For Becoming Who You Really Want To Be!


How To Find Your Why-Finding Unstoppable Drive For Reaching Your Goals!