How To Find Your Why-Finding Unstoppable Drive For Reaching Your Goals!

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Have you ever started going for a goal that you were excited about in the beginning to find out along the way that it’s too much work or stress for you to handle, and so you give up? 🤔😭

In those situations, my question is, what was your why for starting in the first place?

Was it to gain a dollar amount?

Was it for a greater purpose that you were committed and extremely passionate about?

Or were you just on a hype train to start something new without thinking things through all the way?

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Without knowing why you are going for your goals, you pretty much set yourself up for failure, and we don’t want that! Instead, we want the exact opposite times a thousand!

So to help you find a solid foundation for taking on your goals in the first place, whether they be large or small, doesn’t matter, today we’re going over the main components that establish a strong and unstoppable mindset that will drive you towards achieving your dream goals! 💯💖

How To Find Your Why

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First off, what is a why? What do we mean by finding out what your why is? Well, it’s pretty simple when you break things down to their basics.

A why reasoning basically is the fuel that ignites and drives you to put in all of the work, effort, and dedication it takes to achieve a goal. It’s the reason why you get the idea to do something new in the first place.

Now there is a difference in the types of why’s that could drive a person to take on a goal. However, in my own opinion, when it comes to taking on those huge massive goals in your life, there really is only one combo type of why reasoning that will truly get you there, and it’s simple.


Passion and love. At the root of everything you do, how passionate and committed are you? Is there strong reasoning why you do what you do?

For example, for most of us, when it comes to having a job, we do this because if we don’t, our families and ourselves would be homeless and hungry, and we most certainly don’t want that!

Instead, we want the opposite. We want to enjoy life and flourish.

And since we already have our main necessities for life covered by the income of our jobs, that gives us the freedom to dream of better for our lives and simultaneously improve the lives of others or the world in some way.


You see, when we succeed at being a creator of some kind, we make income. This allows us to quit the full-time jobs that we hate and instead focus our time and attention on something else that we love.

Then, when we make income because we help people improve their lives for the better, we have more of a likelihood of making a lot of income and helping many more people at the same time!

Now your reasoning behind that could be one of many things.

Perhaps you’ve gone through struggle in your life in some particular area, and so you want to make it possible for others to learn from your experience so that they don’t have to go through it too, or at least make it through with more ease.

Or maybe your why stems from the contrast in your life that you currently have. For example, you see all of the things in your life that you don’t like, and therefore you understand what you want to replace it with.

For instance, you despise having to count your dollars and shop at Walmart to buy clothes for your kids and be able to put food on the table every day. You hate having to live in a tiny apartment and dream of owning your own home where your kids have their own rooms and a large backyard they can happily and safely play in with a dog!


Your why reasoning could be as simple as that. You see what you don’t like in your life, so you take that contrast and make the opposite happen somehow-some way.

Literally, your why reasoning is uniquely your own. I could go on and on with examples of reasons why someone would want to change their life differently than it is now, but that would be too repetitive and I’d lose your attention!

The point is, though, once you find a strong why reasoning to fuel your goals, nothing will stop you or get in your way from following through with the plan you come up with to get from point A to B.

Your why is so strong that no matter how tough or long the journey may be or take you, it doesn’t matter; you’ll figure it out. You’re achieving your goal regardless because there isn’t an alternative! You have to make it all happen because you promised yourself that you would for whatever the reason.

Starting to get the picture? 😉

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So now, steps for finding your why!

1. Ask questions.

When it comes to figuring out your purpose in life and what dream goals you’d like to have and pursue, you’ve got to ask yourself enough questions to provoke your mind to really contemplating what’s important for you and why that is.

Such as, if you could be living your ideal life, what would that look like? How would you be changing the world in your own way? What would your lifestyle be like, and what would the livelihood of your family look like?


What kind of friends would you have? What kind of house would you live in? How much money would you have in the bank? And most importantly, why?

Why is it imperative that you succeed at making these goals happen?

Once you pinpoint and figure out what you don’t like, it becomes pretty clear what you’d much prefer and do like.

Then from there, you realize what you want to do and how you’re going to get there.

2. Find your passion.

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What are you passionate about; meaning, what do you love?

If you could be doing anything that you wanted with your life, what would that be?

If you legit had to choose only one skill to partake in for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Forget about making money right now-What would make you extremely happy doing day in and out for the sole reason that you love it?

For example sake, let’s just say that you already have all the money you’ll ever need. What would you be doing with your life that you’d love and get so much joy and excitement from doing?

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Once you absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt what would make you happy persuing every day, you can start getting the picture of not only what kind of lifestyle and purpose you want for your life, but what will make you the happiest and bring you joy doing it as well!

3. Piece it together.

Steps one and two are really the main components that make up finding your why drive.

However, now that you’re starting to get a better idea of what big goal you want to pursue next, it’s time to piece everything together and start mapping out where everything falls into place for a solid plan of action so that you can decide if you’ll be wasting your time or not!

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Who knows, maybe after thinking things through, you decide that you actually don’t want to put in the time and effort to make it happen!

It’s better to know early on if you’re even interested and committed to following through with making something happen before you waste your time and energy to give up in the long run.

You will know, you’ll feel it in your gut area when you find a goal that you’re like, “I don’t exactly know what to do right now, but I’m not going to let that stop me! Instead, I’m going to do my darndest to make this happen; This is happening!”

When you do, you’ll know for certain that you have a good why reasoning driving your decisions for reaching your big goal. 🥳

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In the beginning stages of any goal, you will definitely not know all of the steps you're going to have to take to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

You’ll realize that as you gain more experience on your journey to getting your goal. 😘

However, when you try your darndest to research similar goals from other people of how they did it, you get an idea of what you’ll have to do first and what skills you’ll have to learn and become at least good at.

Then, after going through steps one and two, you start getting the bigger picture view of what your big goal is sculpting to be!

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The point of piecing it all together and trying to find the right road map of actions to get there is to make the route from here to there uncomplicated to understand so that you are very likely to follow through and figure out how you’re going to make it all happen!

If your plan feels good to you and you are ready and excited to follow through with it because you feel a burning passion coming from inside of you, then you’re probably on the right track for chasing a goal that you’ll see through all the way!

And that’s basically it. 😎😘

Finding your why reasoning can be straightforward. It’s honestly what makes you happy. You don’t have to try and look far and wide once you find it. You just know. And when you know, you never forget it.

It’s what will drive you to wake up two hours earlier than you need to and go to bed an hour later, all so that you can work on your goal.

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It’s what will fuel you with unshakeable motivation and confidence in yourself to carry on with your plans of tedious action even when you don’t really feel like it that day.

You have this goal that you have because you love it. You love all of the things that make up this goal. Your life, your family’s life, the lives of people you have yet to meet, or hear your thoughts on life. All of it.

It’s something so strong within you that no matter what, you just won’t quit. You can’t. You’ve got to see your goal all the way through because your why is calling you to it.

You want to get out of what you currently have revolving around your life and instead want to see grander things daily.

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You want to be, do, and have better because this is your one and only life. This fact makes it clear as day for you to just not give up on yourself and how you want to make your life in reality!

That’s how strong your why reasoning is. Once you find it, it’s obvious to you, and it will serve you well if you take the time and patience to get there right and not rush the process.

Don’t make things complicated. Infact, the goal is to do the opposite!

Follow steps one through three, feel what feels right, and keep on keeping on being you; who you really want to be. 😍

It can be that simple when you find a why reason that simply just feels right to you. 😘


So, these are my top three steps for establishing an unstoppable goal-getting mindset to drive you to achieve any goal you set your mind to.

Was this helpful for you?

Do you feel more of a drive and passion burning inside of you after reading this? 🔥

Maybe got a little bit of inspiration or motivation to help drive you towards achieving your own goals?

How about more knowledge and tools for your toolbox? 🧰

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I hope so. That was the intent of this article! We are always trying our best over here to help you become better than yesterday and achieve your large, overly ambitious sounding goals!

Please let us know over on our FaceBook page and or Instagram. 💯💖😉

If you aren’t already, go ahead and become a part of our Facebook community and our email list for helpful weekly content for guiding you on your path of being who you rawr! 🦖🦖🦖

But until next time, and as always,

Be who the heck you are-Be who you rawr;

Don’t just talk about how you want your life to be!

Instead, start becoming it. 🙌🏻🤗

You can do this thing! With much love,

XOXO, -JulieRannaSaurus 💖💖

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