How to get toxic people out of your life!

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Getting your massive in-your-face dream goals takes a lot of commitment, dedication, and time. There really isn’t any room in your life to waste dealing with toxic people.

So what do you do when making new friends or if you already have toxic people in your life?

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This is my most important tip for making your life easier when it comes to getting those goals. Approach everyone as a pessimist!

Wait, what?

What’s going on? I don’t understand.

You want to find friends worth having in your life instead of collecting a mass amount of toxic people that only seem to bring you down and make you feel bad about yourself, don’t you?

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Well, to find friends that are worth it, I’ve come to learn that it’s best to have an outlook on life that allows you to see what people truly want from you before you let them in and change your perspective in more of a negative, pull ya down kind of way.

Therefore, having the outlook of a pessimist serves you well when it comes to molding a life that always brings you up and closer to a better life rather than the reverse!

Okay, so whenever someone approaches you, most of the time, it’s because they need something from you. Plain and simple. However much we’d like to believe this isn’t the case, it’s not.

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Unless you’re approached by your close family, and they need something from you, then having people in your life as friends that constantly take or need more from you rather than just being a good friend, those are the people to look out for.

When you find friends in your life that want to hang out with you just because they like you and you have fun together no matter what you’re doing or not doing, then that’s how you know you have a good friend in your life.

However, when you find that your friends constantly just want things from you and are negative and toxic to you, then those are the friends you should start evaluating their worth in your life.

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Now I know that this may come off as kind of harsh to some people who are used to having their lives surrounded by toxic people that always want to take rather than contribute.

However, when you surround yourself with people you don’t really like or their character traits, then unknowingly to you, you’ll start adopting some or all of those bad habits and character flaws that your friends have.

Meaning, you’ll start naturally thinking more in a negative mindset than a positive, optimistic one. You’ll start taking the easy way rather than challenging yourself to better and not know why you aren’t happy with your life.

When you allow toxic people to live in your world and not only live in it but be the primary air that you breathe, then it’s only natural that you start developing all of these bad habits that they have.

Embodying what is most dominant around you is a common thing that we all do.

So when it comes to having toxic people in your life, and or people that intentionally choose to be, do, and have lesser because it’s just easier not to put in the time and effort to do otherwise, then you’ve got to start weighing out the benefits that they serve in your life if you truly want to elevate your life to being something greater then it currently is.

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When it comes to dreaming big, creating goals that give you that dream life, and then following through with consistent action to make all of that happen for you, it’s hard to stay motivated and concentrated in a positive way when your support system, your friends and family, don’t believe in you and what you’re doing.

It’s unfortunate to think that the people you’ve known for a long time and who you’ve come to trust, to be part of the reason contributing to you failing on yourself. But you become what you surround yourself with.

It’s like that saying, “you are what you eat.”

Now I know that saying is about food, but when you only consume negativity and pessimism in your life rather than clean water and food that will help fuel you and not drag you down and feel sluggish to carry on your day how you actually want it to play out, then you are setting yourself up for a subpar day and life before you even get out of bed!

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Alright, so I know that was a decent amount of reading to get to this point, so I’ll sum it all up into a few steps to follow for getting toxic people out of your life!

As a heads up, these three steps are all questions that you ask yourself to find out if you have someone toxic in your life or not.

Now, as always, it’s your choice to have someone in your life. In no way whatsoever am I trying to make that decision for you.

And when it comes to family members that tend to be toxic, then it’s up to you how you’d like to have them participate in your life and how you interact with them.

More on what to do with people already in your life that you care about that are toxic in the next article here!

1. Ask, “what do they want from me?”

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The purpose of this question is to really ask yourself if this person always wants things from you or are they looking to help you out too.

It may sound selfish if you look at it from that perspective, but hey, your time is limited.

Do you want to spend it arguing and helping other people further progress in their life with only being a resource to them rather than a balanced relationship? Or do you want only to incorporate people in your life who can challenge you and lift you in certain ways when you need them to?

The choice is yours, and it always is. However, understanding the main purpose behind people’s motives before you commit to helping them or even incorporating them in your life is something that you should consider before you go spreading yourself too thin!

2. Ask, “Is this good for me, or do they only bring me down?”

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Before letting someone into your inner circle that surrounds your outside life, out of your daily responsibilities and goals for yourself, it’s a good idea to ask yourself if letting this person into your life would be good or not.

If they are someone who is always being negative and a downer when you’re excited about something for whatever reason, then they probably aren’t a good motivator to have in your life.

If they are a downer, but they provide value to your life in some way, such as making you laugh when you feel like you’re about to cry, or always being there when no one else is, then these would be good qualities to have in a friend even if they do tend to be a little toxic at times. More on this in the next article here!

3. Ask, “How can I have this person in my life in a positive way?”

If going through questions one and two still leaves you uncertain if you should allow someone in your life or not because you genuinely do like them you just don’t like all of their character traits, then ask yourself how you could make it work to where their in your life but don’t bring you down with their toxicity.

Always remember this: You can’t change other people.

You’ve just got to accept someone for who they are. You can only change you and your perspective, not how someone else carries on with their time and lives their life.

So don’t be upset about having people you care most about in your life being a little toxic in their nature.

There are ways to go about keeping them in your life without pulling you down and creating a mass amount of headaches along the way!

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I know that I’ve had this struggle throughout my life when it came to the topic of family.

I just feel like with everything that I’ve learned in my life and keep on learning, that I can’t accept certain things I used to when I was younger.

To be honest, when you’re a kid and even a young adult growing up, it’s hard to say no to your family. You pretty much don’t have the choice.

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However, when you get older, it’s your choice of who you let into your life and how.

When it comes to family, there are a few ways you could play things out and well talk all about it in full depth here.

So, these are my tips for keeping toxic people out of your life!

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But until next time, and as always,

Be who the heck you are-Be who you rawr;

Don’t just talk about how you want your life to be!

Instead, start becoming it. 🙌🏻🤗

You can do this thing! With much love,

XOXO, -JulieRannaSaurus 💖💖

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