How To Unclutter Your Work Life

It’s just the truth..

Getting work done can seem kind of hard to manage sometimes, whether you are a super busy goal getting momma, or not.

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Whether you are working from home or in an office somewhere for someone else, your office and therefore how you live your day to day in your office life, can become rather cluttered very quickly if you let it spiral out of control (Which by the way, this is very easy to do so don’t feel terrible about yourself if you find that you are currently in this position!).

With the help of this article and a few simple changes in your work habits, our intent is that you’ll be able to start implementing easy to do’s that drastically improve your office and work life!

Not only will you feel better about yourself and your surroundings as you work, but you’ll also be able to get more done because you’ll be able to find things a lot easier, work smarter, and therefore faster at the same time!

And I don’t know about you, but having more free time and time to work on my goals is always something that I am looking to increase!

So, sound good?

Now without further ado, let’s get into it and increase our work productivity in the process!

#1. Apps And Storage On Your Phone


I don’t know about you, but for me, keeping my phone tidy and not an absolute mess with apps all over the place is a problem for me..

My husband used to get on to me about it all the time! Every time he would use my phone to do something simple like take a picture or look something up online, he would always automatically mention to me how messy and unorganized my phone was, and especially so for the amount of windows I would keep open all at once!

Let me tell you, it was very annoying to hear this every time. Not to mention, it was also pretty embarrassing to have something so simple like my phone be such a mess because it showed that if I am comfortable with having my phone be so unorganized and messy, that I am probably the same way with other aspects of my life as well!

So moral of the story here is to keep your phone tidy and organized, all the while of making sure you aren’t leaving tabs and windows up on your phone that aren’t currently being used!

Not only will these simple things make it easier for you to find an app that you are looking for quickly on the fly and be able to edit your video faster or make a business call quicker rather than spending more time simply just searching for the app on your phone in the first place, but this simple yet easy task will also help keep you in check when it comes to keeping other parts of your life, like your car and your house, etc., tidy and organized as well!

That alone is reason enough for me to do this one simple thing!

I would much rather take ten minutes to organize my phone, get it done with, and then take the same concept of tidying up other parts of my daily work and home life, ten minutes at a time of course, in order to save me the trouble and the hassle later on of trying to get things done right the first time, and quickly! Especially when I have a mountain of mess that I need to sort through first in order to find anything, let alone get in the right frame of thinking to just get the work that I need to get done over with so that I can work on my next goal!

So the main take away from this point is: to clear up and organize the apps and storage on your phone! Make folders for you to easily find similar things like your camera, photos, and video editor in the same folder, labeled clearly with something like “pic and video content.”

Do this simple thing for all of the apps on your phone and your time spent trying to find things on your phone will diminish to nearly nothing, however, your productivity and patience to do work on your phone when you actually have the want to do so will increase immensely!

#2 Organize Your Desk

A clean desk promotes a tidy work life!

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With a cleared off desk that is always ready for you to go and get work done immediately when you so choose to do so, comes an easier and more fun time to be able to just sit down and concentrate on your work task at hand rather than needing to move things around, spending at least 5 minutes out of your life and work time before you actually just get to be creative and go to work!

So for this quick tip, do your best to:

  1. Not keep anything on your desk that isn’t necessary.

    Having anything on your desk that doesn’t serve the purpose of helping you out while you are working does not need to be there!

    The more that you are in the mindset of “I’ll just put this here for now, I have the space,” the more you’ll be promoting piles of unsorted junk and mess to eventually overrun your work environment!

  2. Have your pens, notepads, etc., in a specific location of your desk so that you know where to find things exactly when you need them, and also where to put those items back correctly when you are done using them!

    Having somewhat of an “organized stuff“ system helps make keeping everything where it needs to be easy, and therefore when you have things that don’t have their own designated space, it is simple to decide if those items have a home on your desk or office in the first place!

    This helps promote cleanliness and a tidy work environment when you don’t have to spend any time worrying about where something is or where something goes, and therefore prevents piles of unorganized mess on top of and inside of your desk!

#3 Only Do Work While At Work!

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Your free time is for free time, not work.

If you truly want to be efficient with your time and get your goals as quickly and correctly as you can at the same time, then you definitely need true breaks to keep you energized and not overwhelmed for all of the work you do in order to get your goals!

I know from first hand experience how much time, effort and work that it takes to get large seeming goals, especially the ones that you need to learn the fundamentals for before you ever really get started and also do by yourself, from scratch, from the very bottom!

It can be very difficult and hard to get the work done, let alone keep you motivated at the same time!

That is why it is so very important to only do work when you are at work, or in your office, for the set period of time that you’ve allotted yourself to do work!

When you are at work and are stuck thinking about all of the fun you want to be doing outside of work, then you aren’t really able to focus and concentrate on the work you need to get done at hand.

In the same token, when you set time aside for chilling and relaxation with your family and friends, or just by yourself, and you are stuck thinking about things to do work wise, then you really aren’t letting yourself unwind and relax!

This may sound simple, however, it is very important because in order to get big goals, a lot of work needs to be done, and if you over work yourself then you will eventually become too exhausted and burnt out to keep on working, and therefore your efficiency will decrease because you will be overworked and not clear headed!

So the takeaway here is:

Only work in the time and places that you’ve set yourself to work, and only relax and have fun when you set aside time for you to do so without any work to be done what so ever!

These are all pretty basic and simple lines of thinking, however, when you implement them all together in your day to day routines, then you will come to find that you are becoming more efficient in your work space and time, which also makes it easier to be happier and more relaxed when you aren’t working!

Not being burdened with clutter and things that don’t need your attention and time when you want to be spending your efforts elsewhere, will quickly start becoming your go to routine to maintain little bits at a time because you won’t need much maintenance to keep up with them anymore!

I hope that this article found you well and was very helpful! 

Today, and every day from now on is your day. So now goal get your dreams and make them happen! 💪💯😎 

Until next time, and with much love, 

Stay true to who you really are because YOU CAN DO IT!  

XOXO, JulieRannaSaurus! <3 

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