4 Ultimate Ways For Finding Out What You Really Want In Life!

>>An ultimate guide towards figuring out what the heck you’d really like to do with your life & how to take the first steps of making it all happen! 

Being a rock star of an influencer and making money from all the content that you create, traveling to the coolest places that the world has to offer ten times a year, living off the grid and having a really simple and relaxing life, selling your art and growing your own food, raising kids and having a full income job from home blogging or with an online business… 

What does your ideal life look like? What do you want out of life? Where would you like to be 5 or 10 years from now? And how would you like to spend your time? 

A lot of people don’t ask themselves these questions and instead find themselves lacking purpose in life, always feeling bored in their free time, just simply going through the motions of fulfilling a job for a paycheck, but always feeling like there is something missing from their life. 

Is this you? 

If so, hey, it’s okay! Let’s do our best right here and now to try and figure out what it is that you really want to be doing with your time and life! 

Because hey, there’s no time like the present to turn your life around and make it more fulfilling! 

Let’s get started with 4 Ultimate Ways For Finding Out What You Really Want In Life!  

3 Questions To Ask Yourself & A Quiz! 


1. What don’t you like in your life? 

Some people have no idea of what they like to do, so for people like this, first start off by asking yourself what you don’t like about your life. 

Then from there, you are able to find out ways to erase the things that you don’t like and replace them with things that you do like instead! 

And don’t worry about finding out exactly what you do like and want for the future as your goals right now. Simply just focus in on the things that you despise in your life and then from there, brainstorm on possible solutions to get rid of your downfalls.

Normally, doing the opposite of your problem winds up creating potentially great ideas for your solution!

Now moving on!

2. What are things that you are most passionate about? 

What are the things that you constantly find yourself doing in your free time? If it’s not apparent to you of what you are really passionate about doing in your life, then write them down and make a list. If you have no passions what so ever, then consider surfing the web until you find hobbies that interest you and try them out.

Seeing what you like to do by writing them down will help you determine if you really enjoy doing these things because you have to do them, or because you love to do them! 

The point of this exercise is to figure out what you really love doing so that you can do more of them instead of being bored and not know what to do with your life! 

3. If your life didn’t have any limits, absolutely nothing to hold you back from seeing your true potential, then what would you be doing and what would your goals be? (career goals, health and body goals, financial goals, etc.) 

If you had all of the time and money in the whole wide world, then what would you do with it all? 

Seriously, think about it. 

 What kind of you would you be? What kinds of things would you like to eat? What kinds of things would you like to occupy your time with? Where would you go? What kind of friends would you have in your life? What kind of mentality would you have? 

This is an exercise that will truly benefit you if you really get into it and not hold back! 

 Simply just jot all of your answers down into a journal or notebook (like one of them here) without second guessing yourself or feeling that writing something down is stupid because you don’t think that you’ll ever be able to have it. 

The point is to see what you truly want in your life. 

Even if you don’t have the means to get some of these things accomplished now, that doesn’t mean that you couldn’t restructure your life in a manner that leads you to goals and things that would make you the happiest! 

Write down everything that comes to your mind that you feel to be true, and don’t worry about writing down the “perfect” answers. Remember, this is your life and so that means that you can alter it at any time that you choose!  

If you want better things in your life down the road that don’t even cross your mind right now, then cool!  

Make more goals for yourself when you feel the want for better things in your life. Your skills, hobbies and passions can be that thing for you that takes you from a 9-5 job that you hate to living a life on your own terms, making money doing the things that you love and therefore being able to spend your time how you choose! 

Having goals structured around what you really want for your life is key for a happier future full of things that you love!  

So, while your writing down your ideal life, ask yourself: 

  • What kind of job do I want? What are my career goals? 

  • What kind of family life do I want? What are my family goals? 

  • What are my health and body goals? 

Have fun with this exercise and don’t hold yourself back one little bit! The whole point of it is to see what you truly feel like would make you the happiest in life if you had everything that you wanted! 

Because hey, that’s the point of life, right?  

Do things that you love, always improve, and become the you that you’d really like to be, one little bad ass baby step at a time! 

 Alright, now that you’ve asked yourself these questions, ask yourself a few more things to help pin point what you really want to be doing in your life! 

What Do You Like? QUIZ: 

This quiz is pretty simple. The most important thing is to be completely honest with yourself!  

Whatever your true answer is to something, write it down and let it be known to yourself. Don’t lie and feel like your answers are too out of your reach or never going to happen because they could if you really want them to!

 The point of this quiz is to find out what would really make you the happiest in life, and therefore from there, you can take steps of actions towards making those things actually true and happen for you! 


#1: What are you day dreaming about? (answer all that apply to you)

Answer a.  >> I daydream about being______________________________

Answer b.  >> I daydream about going to _____________________

Answer c.  >> I don’t daydream about doing anything else.  


#2: When you are working, what do you wish you could be doing instead? 

Answer a.  >> I wish I could be _________________ instead of working this job that I hate! 

*For help, do you ever find yourself wishing that you could be a content creator, a blogger, living the laptop lifestyle, going to school for some type of degree, starting your own business, etc.?

Answer b.  >> I wish I could be retired and didn’t have to work AT ALL! 

Answer c.  >> I’m happy doing what I’m doing and I don’t really wish I could be doing something else.

#3 What are you so annoyed with that you don’t have the time to work on because other things in life take up your time? 

Once you figure out the answers to each of these, you’ll have a much better idea of what you think you should be doing with your life! Examine your answers to all of the questions that you’ve asked yourself from this article and determine for yourself, even if it’s just a little bit more clarity, what it is that you really want from and in your life!

Okay, so now what? 

Ask yourself how hard are you willing to work in order to get that life that you now know that you really want! 

From there, break down what you want into big goals and then those goals into smaller goals that all lead up to your big goals, AKA your dream goals! 

Make sure that your smaller goals are obtainable to get little bites at a time, so that by you working on them every day, or every time you have spare time to do so, that you are able to accomplish these smaller goals in the allotted time that you make or give to yourself! 

Compiling little victories all of the time, especially when you are actually putting in the effort and time to make something great happen, is the key towards getting your big goals!  

Remember, little steps at a time still get you to where you want to be , just as fast if not faster than taking huge leaps! 

And you know what? It will most likely get you to your goals sooner than trying to tackle your big goals all at once! That gets exhausting, confusing and sometimes boring doing repetitive things all in one go! Trust me, I know this all too well!.. 😅

The key here is to always break your big goals into smaller ones that you can get in a reasonable amount of time! 

  I hope that this article found you well and was very helpful! 

Until next time, and with much love, 

Stay true to who you really are because YOU CAN DO IT!  

XOXO, JulieRannaSaurus! <3 


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