3 Fears That Are Stopping You From Getting Your Goals & How To Recognize Them!

Fear is a HUGE killer of goals and dreams! You could have the greatest intentions in the world to see your dreams come true, however, fear will always stop you if you don’t control it and make it go away!

There was a point in my life of where I was allowing my fears of what I thought everyone else would think of what I was doing, stop me from giving my goals all that I had. And lets just say that there were more than a few crying sessions that were led on by brief spells of being depressed, and that is definitely NOT who I am!

I was spending so much time going for my goals, and then once I finally completed a task that took forever to finish, I was too scared and nervous to share it with the world.

I know, super counterproductive right??!!

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, fear is a killer of dreams if you let your fears take over your life instead of you calling out your insecurities and making your goals happen anyways.

So for today, let’s start by recognizing what’s stopping us in the first place and how we can overcome those fears!

Let’s simply start off by logically breaking down your main day-to-day fears so that you can finally see how much they don’t matter, okay?  

Fear Of Failure.

Fear of failure simply just means that you are afraid to fail, but who isn’t really? 

There is always going to be a part of you that will instinctually want the best for your life. At the same time though, there is also a part of you, fear (that I prefer to see as motivation rather than something that you allow to paralyze you in your tracks) that will always try and veer you off from your course of actions.  

And so, when there is a possibility or an unknown if you can actually make the best happen for you, then your mind suddenly decides that you should stay comfortable and not even try in order to prevent embarrassment and other kinds of negative feelings from occurring! 

However, being comfortable is a killer of dreams!  

Whenever you are too comfortable with how things are, you are very unlikely to try to excel and try to become better because things are good the way that there are and you would rather not feel the pains of failing, getting back up, failing some more and getting a whole lot better in the process! 

But you know what?

*The only way to overcome fear of failure and succeed is to actually just try! Try, try, and try some more until you succeed!

Yes, you will “fail” a lot along the way, however, you will gain so much more in confidence, knowledge and experience that being afraid of failing will become a thing of the far past!

Fear Of Judgement From Others.

Fear of judgement simply means that you care too much of how you think other people will judge you! 

Notice how I italicized and bolded print “you think?” 

I did that because almost always, the judgement that you think other people will give you for trying something new and perusing your dreams, is all in your mind! 

*Because here is the thing, if you actually do push past your fears and give your goals all that you’ve got, always continuing to get better along the way, then there will come a time when you actually do succeed and everyone that you currently think would negatively judge you will actually become jealous of you and root you on because you’ve done something great with your life that they haven’t! 

Going for your dreams takes balls! 

Going for your dreams and actually getting them is reserved only for the most bad ass of people with the strongest of will and perseverance!  

Achieving dreams aren’t things that are just given out willy-nilly to anyone that wants them. Instead, they are reserved only for those that truly want them and are willing to work hard, smart, and strategically to get them!  

Fear Of Succeeding.

Now this one is going to sound bizarre to some people, however, for some reason this is very true! I have experienced this one a lot and I had no idea why this was even an issue for me! 

But here’s the thing.. 

When you’ve never done something before,

it can become scary. 

 So then when you do something that you’ve never done before, succeed at it, and the outcome is money, recognition, etc., then for some reason you will put up roadblocks in your brain that make you believe that there is always going to be something else that you need to do before you take your next steps, because you are trying to prepare yourself for what comes afterwards!

However, it becomes so overwhelming to the point that you never truly follow through with your plans because it's just too much to think about! 

Fear paralyzes action and shuts down your brain when you really need your brain to help you move forward and get your goals!  

 Look, the fact of the matter is that everyone fails. So, don’t go diluting yourself by thinking that you are the only one! 

The truth is, is that you have to fail a lot in order to even get a little bit better!  

So with that being known, logic would say that if you want to improve drastically in your life, then that means you need to fail a whole lot on your journey in order to become stronger, better, and make it all happen! 

And this is true! 

*Fail a lot and fail fast, especially in the beginning! 

Let’s face it, there is no point in wasting your time and life running around in circles, always having the same exact loop of failure proceed with your life.  

The fact is, is that everyone wants to succeed in life!

So then why waste your precious time being too fearful of doing those new things that you need to do early on in order to see rapid growth and change in your life? 

*In order to tackle fear head-on, follow and apply the simple steps from this article here in your day to day routine, and you’ll be sure to succeed more, no matter what gets thrown your way! 

Don’t let fear control your life! Instead, recognize your fears, face them head-on, and become more of that badass you that you know you really are and can become! You can do it!

I hope that this article found you well and was very helpful! 

Until next time, and with much love, 

Stay true to who you really are because YOU CAN DO ANYTHING THAT YOU SET YOUR MIND TO!  

XOXO, JulieRannaSaurus! <3 

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