If You Never Go For It, Then You’ll NEVER Get It!

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Become what you’re dreaming.

Dear ‘Goal Getting Gangsters’,

If you never try to get your dreams, then there is no way that you will ever be able to make them come true in reality!

If you want something great in your life, then you’ve got to stop letting yourself down and instead just Go For It!

Don’t let your ‘wishes just be words,’ and don’t let your words be empty!

Keep the promises that you make to yourself and become all of those things that you really want to see come true in your life!

Because hey, greatness isn’t just given out to everyone. It’s something that is earned, not given!

Not everyone will have an extraordinary life like you, because they will never believe in themselves to take those little extra actions that will lead them there.

If you want it, then start becoming what you dream about by not giving up and throwing in the towel when things start to get a little tough!

Instead, just start doing those things that help lead you into becoming that bad ass Goal Getting Gangster that you are!

You can do it, just believe in yourself and never give up!

You’ve got this!

Until next time, and with much love, 

Stay true to who you really are because YOU CAN DO IT!  


JulieRannaSaurus! <3 

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Talk Is Cheap. Instead, Become It!


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