Quicker Caramelized Onions
I remember being a teenager the first time that I had caramelized onions. My step dad made them, it took a very long hour or so and an entire bottle of oil over low heat to cook a few pounds of onions. I remember it feeling like such a long time waiting for that onion goodness smell to finally be on my plate to be eaten with my dinner. To be honest, I would have been satistied if they would have just let me eat the enire sace pan of onions to myself, forget about the rest of dinner. Who needs protein and potatoes anyways when you’ve got a pot full of caramelized onions! 😉
I know this may sound very strange to have a how to caramelize onions post on a blog that gives a lot of life advice and motivation to become better, but come on...Don’t tell me that you’ve had caramelized onions before and didn’t immediately want to know how to make them in order to put them onto everything you make!.. Hot dogs..that’s a given.. What about on mac and cheese?, or how about on meat like things?.. Mmm that would be soo good 😀 My favorite is eaten with anything else as long as there is a serving of tasty mashed potaotes to go along with it!
So yes, this post is how to caramelize onions 😉 Because your life will be much better with yummy onion goodness in it once in a while 😉 <3
It’s very simple, and I am going to show you a shortened time version with far less oil, and quicker onion goodness in your belly <3
So needless to say, I have been experimenting in my kitchen, and this is what I’ve come up with.. You are welcome 😉 <3
What to do:
First slice 5 small onions, or 2 very large ones. Put them into a pan with 2 tbsp of oil or vegan butter, your choice, a tsp of salt and a tsp of sugar. (Or if you need more caramelized onions, just adjust the measurements 😉 )
Then cook covered on medium high heat until the onions are caramelized, stirring throughout, around every 3 minutes or so, for about 25-30 minutes.
See I told you! A much quicker version than compared to what I originally learned as a teenger. It’s that simple!
Serve hot, like on a variety of grilled summer foods, with sautéed broccoli and garlic, or pretty much anything you’d like!
Caramelized onions are oh so very delicious on top of burgers, mac and cheese, hot dogs and much more. Although many recipes don’t call for sugar and take much longer to make, the way described in this post makes making onion goodness to top on your foods easy to make and saves a little bit of time doing so 😉
Happy eating! Love JulieRannaSaurus <3